- What is SUNation Energy, Inc.'s stock symbol?
Our stock is traded on the Nasdaq under the symbol SUNE.
- When was Pineapple Energy Inc. incorporated?
SUNation Energy, Inc. was incorporated in November 2024. Previously, the company was named Pineapple Energy Inc. and was incorporated in 1969 as Communications Systems, Inc. in Minnesota.
- Where is SUNation Energy, Inc. located?
171 Remington Blvd
Ronkonkoma, NY 11779- When is SUNation Energy, Inc.'s fiscal year end?
December 31st
- Who is SUNation Energy, Inc.’s transfer agent?
Equiniti Trust Company
1110 Centre Pointe Curve
Suite 101
South St. Paul, MN 55120- Who is SUNation Energy, Inc.’s independent auditor?
Baker Tilly
- Who is SUNation Energy, Inc’s outside legal counsel?
Faegre Drinker Biddle & Reath LLP